
by Waves Inc

Music & Audio


Waves mRecall Scene & Snapshot Recall AppMobile App for Waves Live Sound & Commercial Audio Systems mRecall allows you to quickly recall scenes and snapshots in Waves live sound and Commercial Audio systems, over wi-fi. • Quick scene & snapshot recall app• Compatible with Waves eMotion LV1, SuperRack, and Commercial Audio systems• Easy-to-use mobile interface• Commercial Audio installers: Enable your clients to remotely recall specific audio setups in multipurpose AV installations• Live sound engineers: Recall eMotion LV1 or SuperRack snapshots remotely, or give musicians remote control over specific aspects of the FOH mix Please note: mRecall does not process or route audio on its own; it requires the Waves eMotion LV1 mixer, the Waves SuperRack plugin host, or a Waves Commercial Audio system (such as CA1000 or CA2000) in order to fully function. It does not pass audio through the mobile device.